Saturday, July 31, 2010

Arabic Language Intensive Course

I just wanted to save the flier that was made for this course in here.

Arabic Language Intensive Course
 3 Days A week for  4 weeks  - Over 60 Hours of FREE Classes
Brothers and Sisters -- ALL WELCOME !
For details please scroll down

To register please fill out the registration form and bring it in the Masjid today or
mail it, fax it (listed below) or email to
Registration Form :   Word  PDF  
Help us distribute the flyers, earn your share of rewards JPG  PDF  
What ?
A golden opportunity to learn Arabic Language -
Beginners and Intermediate Level - A Unique Two in One Package -
More than 60 hours of Intensive Courses - for Three days a week..

    By:- Dr. Ashraf Fahmy Mousa -
    Phd, Al-Azhar University, Egypt

1 comment:

  1. I was there too. I confirm a really good course taught by a really competent teacher, masha ALLAH.
    I lost all my notes, so upsetting :/
